Friday 19 June 2009

Batch #5

Sally Doherty "Sally Doherty" CD [1996]
I'm a big fan of Sally, but I have to concede that this album is a bit of a mess. It's her first major solo recording and it isn't really sure what it wants to be. I'm all for diversity, but for me, this disc doesn't quite work. Some of the tracks have a distinct Poppy feel to them, but these are mixed with African-sounding influences, with a bunch of the tracks having tribal drums. Then, all of a sudden, we are plunged into a "film soundtrack" with the final 8 tracks on the album. This material consisting of mainly Ambient/Neoclassical with occasional wild vocals. These songs feel like they should have been put on a separate release. But in the end, it's all a bit of a nonsensical blend. Don't get me wrong, it's good, but Sally's best years were yet to come.
( 3 out of 5)

Roma Amor "Roma Amor" CD [2008]
Sometimes, an album cover catches your eye and for no other reason than aesthetic pleasure, it inspires you to buy it on the promise of what the mail order's review contains. This was the case with Roma Amor's debut album. Who? I'm fucked if I know, but they are on the Old Europe Cafe label. It's typical Italian fare consisting mostly of cover versions with only 2 or 3 original tracks. But it's somehow fucking addictive and intensely uplifting, short as it is. I think this little gem is set to shine for a while to come yet.
(5 out of 5)

Brethren "Savage Inequalities" CD [2005]
I don't normally like American Power Electronics (or US "Noise" in general, for that matter), simply because they are completely shit at it. It all normally sounds the same and has no fucking redeeming qualities other than them copying the good bits from English and Japanese artists. This release is one of the better ones, despite the obvious comparisons to the boring-as-shit Slogun. However, Brethren are of the White Power vein, and the powerfully nationalistic tracks on here leave you with no illusions as to their political position. Musically, it's pretty good on the whole, most tracks have an identity. It's just the distorted shouting thing which seems completely unoriginal to me.
( 4 out of 5)

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