Tuesday 7 July 2009

Flowers From Exile

ROME "Flowers From Exile" CD [2009]
I was immensely excited about this release. Somehow I managed to miss out on the taster EP, but maybe that was a good thing, since I ended up listening to the new album having not heard any of the tracks before. It was fresh to my ears and I had no idea how the new material would sound. I was not disappointed.

ROME is the brainchild of Jerome Reuter and was founded in Luxembourg only 4 years ago in 2005. Since then has seen the release of 4 albums and 2 EPs. For "Flowers...", Jerome (guitar & vocals) is joined by Patrick Damiani (guitar, cello, bass, drums & keyboard) and Nikos Mavridis (violin). Being a three-piece has certainly affected the project's sound - though not drastically - and it is a welcome progression.

With a theme of the Spanish civil war, this CD has a unique flavour compared to its predecessors. Starting off with a progressive almost Rock piece, we are treated to some really laid-back Folk-rooted guitar hymns, with Jerome's deep, soothing vocals flowing freely throughout. Things pick up pace a bit towards the middle, anthems steeped in melancholy, but still managing to sound uplifting. Some trademark ROME elements are still here - speech samples at the end of tracks, etc, but all in all this is a big step away from the Cold Meat Industry releases. A step the right way, it should be noted.
(5 out of 5)

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