Sunday 31 May 2009

Hand Held

Cloverfield [2008]
After having seen the two films I will review below, I thought it only fitting that I check this one out also. I quite like the whole hand held camera style to be honest, but as usual, too much is always bad. What promise this film had in the first 20 minutes was quickly destroyed, leaving us with yet another stupid American horror film, and though it tried to be different, it's down-right rediculousness simply made it into a disaster. You see far, far too much of the daft monster, the "cameraman" stands there filming the monster until it eats him, the main characters decisions are all implausible, etc etc. I'm just glad I borrowed this and didn't buy it.
(1 out of 5)

[REC] [2007]
Despite having the cheese-ridden premise of humans being turned into blood-thirsty savages upon being bitten by an infected other, this film isn't the disaster it could have been. Yes, you can't take it as seriously as you'd like, but with the amount of mystery and a decent dose of realism involved, you can certainly suspend your disbelief long enough to get sucked in. I actually jumped during a scene at the end, which is very rare for me.
(4 out of 5)

The Blair Witch Project [1999]
It has to be a personal thing, I guess, since I've heard a lot of slagging off of this film, but I actually loved it. I mean, you can nit-pick all you want, saying why is the guy still filming while he is running away [from whatever] but for fuck's sake, let it go. Unless the guy is blatantly filming while a monster eats him, I'll be willing to look past it for entertainments sake. I guess it must be because the idea of being lost in the woods at night genuinely scares me that I find this film so creepy. So I guess I can't really bitch too much at those who call it boring. If the fear isn't there, then they obviously aren't going to relate to the film. I also don't care that the girl is an annoying mouthy bitch, I still got chills running down my spine during the final icy moments. And for those people who didn't get the end, try listening during the early part of the film. In a genre blighted by silly rubbish, this is a shining gem.
(5 out of 5)

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